The Thomas Townsend Brown Family Website

The Townsend Brown Foundation

The Townsend Brown Foundation, established in 1938 by the Thomas B. Townsend and Lewis K. Brown family of Zanesville, Ohio, promoted the scientific investigations of Thomas Townsend Brown. The Foundation enabled Thomas Townsend Brown (T. Townsend brown) to develop the body of work that has become known worldwide.

The Foundation originally administered the residue of the estates of Mary B. Townsend (T. B. Townsend) and Lewis K. Brown, of Zanesville, Ohio. These estates included clay industries, rock quarries, coal mining, ranching properties and oil investments. The Foundation supported research in Naval science, radiation physics, geophysics and botany. It also financed expeditions to study the growth rate of sugar cane, pineapple and garden produce, as well as electro-culture studies in Coachella Valley, California and in Hawaii. Finally, the Foundation sponsored the advancement of fine arts, such as providing directorship and patronage of art galleries, and financing classical music and community concerts.

Soteria Website

The first website dedicated to the work of T. Townsend Brown,, was created in 1996. It represented a comprehensive source for documents currently available in the public sector, and an outlet for a representative cross-section of documentation from the private library of the Thomas Townsend Brown Family.

Qualight Systems Design

The following decade revealed growing interest in T. Townsend Brown's work by a cadre of like-minded researchers. In 2005, Mr. Andrew Bolland, webmaster, decided to create a formal company structure as a platform to pursue the research and development of technologies based on the work of T. Townsend Brown and others (Philo Farnsworth and Nikola Tesla).

The Limited Liability Company, Qualight, was incorporated in 2006, and later registered in May of 2007 to do business as Qualight Systems Design. Simultaneously, the original Soteria website content was expanded and moved to, as a clearinghouse for the work of T. Townsend Brown.

The Thomas Townsend Brown Family Website

Due to increasing demands on Mr. Bolland's time due to research being conducted off the eastern U.S. seabaord, the contents of the website were moved to their current location in early 2012.