Gary I : received

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April 4, 1978

Dear Mr. Brown,

I am a 1st Lieutenant and an electrical engineer at the ____. About a year ago an article in Volume X1 - No. 5, 1956 of Inter Avia came into my hands which described some of the work you have done in the area of electrogravity. The article left me searching for more information on your work, but a fairly extensive search of scientific literature over the past 50 years revealed nothing. It was my good fortune to find your address just recently during a literature search.

My reason for writing, sir, is to ask you for information regarding your work in the areas of electrogravity and gravitic isotopes.

My interests are mainly of discovering what is real and not real. With the information provided so far in the articles I have found I cannot make my mind up. I have built a simple model of your flying condenser. Since my 50 kilovolt power supply apparently can only supply enough current to charge the flying condenser to about 40 kilovolt, no motion was detected other than what I would consider to be ordinary electrostatic attraction-repulsion. There was, of course, a lot of hissing and crackling. As soon as I can find a larger power supply I will try the experiment again.

I sincerely hope you can help me and will reply to this letter. The request is more as a private citizen and is in no way at the present time expresses the interests of the USAF.

I am sure you get your share of letters from all sorts of people. I hope you will take the time and effort to at the minimum, to answer this letter with the understanding that it is sincere.


Gary K.

P.S. - If I can be any assistance say as for paying reproductive costs, etc., please let me know.