List of Domestic and Foreign Patents

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Due to advances in online record storage and filing systems, most of Townsend Brown's patents are available as PDF files through the European Patent Office. Information on other on-line patent sources can be found at Patent Searching.

Country Patent No. Title Applicant Date
Austrailia 49,960 Beneficiation of Gravitational Isotopes
Belgium 653,474 Electrohydrodynamic Sound Devices Electrokinetics, Inc. 11/15/66
Canada 675,966 Electrohydrodynamic Fluid Pump Whitehall Rand, Inc. 12/10/63
726,958 Method for Beneficiation of and Devices Employing Gravitational Isotopes Electrokinetics, Inc. 02/01/66
771,815 Electrohydrodynamic Sound Devices Electrokinetics, Inc. 11/14/67
876,356 Fluid Control System Guidance Technology, Inc. 07/20/71
France 76,209 E Electrokinetic Apparatuses and Methods T. T. Brown 05/09/59
1,207,509 Electrokinetic Apparatuses and Methods T. T. Brown 09/29/61
1,207,519 Electrokinetic Methods T. T. Brown 02/17/60
1,230,123 Electrokinetic Methods Whitehall Rand, Inc. 09/13/60
1,246,669 Electrohydrodynamic Pump Whitehall Rand, Inc. 11/18/60
1,409,621 Electrokinetic Apparatus Electrokinetics, Inc. 08/27/65
1,427,629 Electrohydrodynamic Apparatus Electrokinetics, Inc. 02/11/66
Germany W25839IVc/12E Beneficiation of Gravitational Isotopes
1,944,046 Fluid Flow Control System Guidance Technology, Inc. 03/04/71
Great Britain 300,311 Method of Producing Force or Motion T. T. Brown 11/15/28
1,274,875 A System for Imparting Movement to an Ionizable Dielectric Fluid Medium Guidance Technology, Inc. 05/17/72
20415/59 Beneficiation of Gravitational Isotopes
Holland 240,401 Beneficiation of Gravitational Isotopes
Italy 33/110 Beneficiation of Gravitational Isotopes
Netherland 6,411,187 Electrohydrodynamic Sound Devices Electrokinetics, Inc. 03/26/65
Japan 14819/34 Electrokinetic Methods
36-1066 Electrokinetic Methods 06/06/61
19917/34 Beneficiation of Gravitational Isotopes
Switzerland 423,885 Electrokinetic Methods Electrokinetics, Inc. 11/15/66
427,509 Electrohydrodynamic Pump Whitehall Rand, Inc 02/03/60
U.S.A. 1,974,483 Electrostatic Motor T. T. Brown 09/25/34
2,207,576 Method and Apparatus for Removing Suspended Matter from Gases T. T. Brown 03/11/47
2,417,347 Vibration Damper T. T. Brown 03/11/47
2,949,550 Electrokinetic Apparatus Whitehall Rand, Inc 08/16/60
3,018,394 Electrokinetic Transducer Whitehall Rand, Inc. 01/23/62
3,022,430 Electrokinetic Generator Whitehall Rand, Inc 02/20/62
3,187,206 Electrokinetic Apparatus T. T. Brown 06/01/65
3,196,296 Electric Generator T. T. Brown 07/20/65
3,267,860 Electrohydrodynamic Fluid Pump Martin M. Decker 08/23/66
3,296,491 Method and Apparatus for Producing Ions and Electrically-Charged Aerosols T. T. Brown 01/03/67
3,518,462 Fluid Flow Control System Guidance Technology, Inc. 06/30/70
Bahnson Laboratories CH 401,283 Electrical Thrust Producing Device Agnew H. Bahnson, Jr. 03/06/63
GB 920,498 Electrical Thrust Producing Device Agnew H. Bahnson, Jr. 03/06/63
US 2,958,790 Electrical Thrust Producing Device Agnew H. Bahnson, Jr. 11/01/60
US 3,227,901 Electrical Thrust Producing Device Agnew H. Bahnson, Jr. 01/04/66
US 4,339,782 Supersonic Jet Ionizer The Bahnson Co. 7/13/82
Other Inventors CN 1447925T Gravitational Wave Generator Robert and Bonnie Baker Jr. Family 10/08/03
JP 2,002,248,343 Method for Generating Ultrahigh Gravitational Field National Institute for Materials Science 09/03/02
US 2,588,427 Condenser Charge Regulation T.W. Stringfield 03/11/52
US 3,095,167 Apparatus for the promotion and control of vehicular flight H.C. Dudley 06/25/63
US 3,626,605 Method and Apparatus for Generating a Secondary Gravitational Force Field Henry W.
US 3,626,606 Method and Apparatus for Generating a Dynamic Force Field Henry W.
US 4,743,275 Electron field generator Patrick G. Flanagan 05/10/88
US 6,300,614 Communication System using Gravitational Waves Jiri J. Petlan 10/09/01
US 6,317,310 Apparatus and method for generating thrust using a two dimensional, asymmetrical capacitor module NASA 11/13/01
US 6,417,597 Gravitational Wave Generator Robert and Bonnie Baker Jr. 07/09/02
WO 0207144 Gravitational Wave Generator Robert and Bonnie Baker Jr. Family 01/24/02
WO 0220346 An Asymmetric Gravitational Wave Propulsion System Jeffery A. Cameron 03/14/02
US 6,492,784
WO 0058623
Propulsion Device and Method Employing Electric Fields for Producing Thrust Hector L. Serrano 12/10/02